Logan has always been my calm happy guy, but at 18 months he is definitely starting to explore the world more and be more adventurous. Meal time is always fun! He has been trying to learn to feed himself with utensils, but then after awhile he decides its much easier to use his hands. He manages to get food everywhere, but eventually he'll learn!
One of Logan's favorite spots is to unload our bookshelves upstairs. Right now he is also learning to help put the books back on the shelf. How can you get mad at that happy guy? He has to learn sometime! Logan also likes to pound on the big screen TV, but he is slowly but surely learning that we don't do that. Despite all the things he gets into, he is still our fun loving happy guy.
He is now in Nursery, and he loves it. Vance takes him to Nursery and I pick him up! His teacher says that he is doing good, and his favorite part is snack time. She also says that he likes to eat the crayons. He'll eventually grow out of that. Logan loves playing with his big brother and his dad.
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