Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Brady's First Day of Pre-School

I was not going to put Brady in Pre-School this year, but when I called, she had one last opening! I thought, lets just put him in because he just seemed ready and he was so excited about Pre-School. His teacher is Miss Joy, and she does it out of her home. She has been teaching for 10 years, and she loves it. She is so good with the kids. Brady started going to Pre-School on September 2, 2008. He goes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12-2pm. The first day we arrived at Miss Joy's house, Brady just ran to his teacher as soon as he saw her. He is still just as excited about Pre-School now as he was then! He is doing great, and he loves to show me his papers that he has done. One day they talked about their different emotions that they have on a daily basis. He made a book about "The Way I Feel." Here are some of the things he said: "I feel happy when I swim in a pool"; "I feel sad when I get into things"; "I feel angry when my mommy won't let me have Starbursts"; and "I feel scared when I am near the window." I was surprised when I read the Starburst one! He says funny things sometimes! He is learning all sorts of fun things!

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