Friday, March 1, 2013

Pajama Day

Today was a very busy day, and this was the only picture I took!  The boys had Pajama Day at school to end Nevada Reading Week!  We were running so much, that I did not get a picture of Brady.  After I picked Logan up from Kindergarten, we had a quick Lunch and then Vance and I dropped Logan and Clark off  at Nani's  House.  Vance's Mom watched the boys because Vance and I had an appointment with an Attorney at 1:00pm to consult about what options we have regarding our house.  This house deal has NOT been easy to say the least!  After talking with the attorney, Vance and I both feel that it is not the right time to Short Sale.  We have decided to try and refinance again so that we can get the interest rate down to what it should be.  I know a lot of people are in the same boat we are--paying way too much for a house, but I have come to realize our blessings of having a house for our family.  Now on to our busy day!  We raced back to pick the boys up from Nani's so that Vance and Logan could make it to their Eye Appointments starting at 2:30pm.  I dropped Vance and Logan off at the Eye Doctor's.  Then I went to pick Brady up from school.  We had to hurry to get Brady from school so that Brady and I could make to our Eye Appointments at 3:30pm.  Brady and I finished about 4:30pm, and then we had to make Scalloped Potatoes for the Elders Quorum Presidency Dinner at 6:00pm.  Brother James of the Stake High Council invited the Elders Quorum Presidency and their families over for dinner.  They provided the Chicken and Hot Dogs and drinks, and the rest of us had to bring the salad, side dish, and desserts.  It was a fun evening, but I was tired by the end of the day!  We are so blessed with good friends and family!

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