Sunday, February 17, 2013

The End of Basketball Season


Bulls vs. Tigers
Logan has definitely improved on his dribbling skills.

Hot Shots vs. Lil' Rebels
Brady has improved on dribbling also, but he really has become a good defender.

2/16/2013--Last Game

Thunderbolts vs. Tigers
Logan had a great season, and he learned a lot.  He lacks focus, but he had fun anyway.  His favorite part of Basketball was dribbling the ball.

Lil' Rebels vs. Rebel Scorpions
Brady played very aggressive this season, and he loved to steal the ball.  Notice in the last game Logan played a green team like Brady's team, and Brady played a yellow team like Logan's team.  It was a fun season, and of course Brady was excited to get another trophy to add to his collection.  

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