Friday, May 6, 2011

Clark's 18 Months

Clark had his 18 Month well check today!  He is very healthy, and everything went well untill he had to get the shots!  He is now 31 inches in height, and weighs 23 lbs. 12 oz.  In height he moved from  the 5th percentile to  just above the 10th percentile.  So we know he's growing, and he is very active.  This is the cute but scary stage.  He is just climbing on everything, and he thinks he's big enough to do anything he wants at the park.  I think that I get more excercise chasing him at the park then he does. That boy just does not stay still for two seconds, and he's quick too!   His favorite thing to do these days (besides climbing) is to play soccer!  Any ball he sees, he throws on the ground, and starts to kick it around.  It is so fun to watch!  He's not talking a whole lot these days!  He says about five words--Mama, Dada, More, Ball, and Bye!  He sure does babble alot though.  One of these days those babbles will make some sense!  We love our energetic Clark!

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