Friday, November 26, 2010

Photo Shoot at Hoover Dam

We went to Hoover Dam the day after Thanksgiving because Vance's Grandma Skidmore and Aunt Sally wanted to see the new bypass bridge.  We thought everyone would be shopping on black friday, so we thought it would be a good day to go.  We were wrong!  It should have only taken us 30 minutes, but instead it took us 2 hours to get through security.  The bypass bridge was clear, but to get to the place where you can walk it, was packed.  I guess everyone decided to go to Hoover Dam.
It was cool to see the Dam and the Bridge.  The Bridge was very impressive.  I bought the Boys these new shirts and jackets.  Brady saw his shirt and said, "Thanks, Mom!  I love this shirt, but why did you get me a life jacket!"  He's too funny!  He also thought it was cool that they learned how to build a dam like beavers do.  You never know what that kid will come up with next!
It is always interesting taking pictures with kids!  I think we'll have to do some photo shop!  Thank goodness for  technology!  Notice Logan's cool cheesy smile!

Walking on the Bypass Bridge
Standing on the Dam looking at the Bypass Bridge

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