Sunday, January 27, 2013

New Calling

I didn't take any pictures today, but today was my last day in primary!  Yesterday, the bishop called me to set up a time to meet with him.  The Bishop wanted to come over yesterday, but I didn't have any time, so we scheduled to meet with him Sunday morning.  He released me from my primary calling, and extended the call to be the Mia Maid Adviser.  I accepted the call.  I love the primary, but I have served in the primary since Vance and I were married 10 years ago.  I did have a one year break when I served as Librarian, but other than that, I have been in the primary.  I am excited for a change!  I taught some of my girls when they were 10 years old,  so I am excited to see how they have progressed.  I am used to dealing with little boys, so I am not sure what to do with young women, but I will soon find out.  It will be a lot more work, but I think it will be a good experience for me.

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