Friday, January 14, 2011

Red Rock Canyon

 Logan's Pre-School goes on Field Trips every once in a while.  One of the mothers in the morning class organizes it all, and she invited the afternoon class.  I fell like I am always doing things with Brady that I thought it would be fun to have some time with Logan.  I asked one of my friends if she could pick up Brady so that I could do this with Logan.  We went to the Red Springs area of Red Rock Canyon which is at the end of Calico Basin Road.  Aaron from the Park Service was our tour guide.  We went on a nature hike, and I was able to bring the stroller for Clark.  There was only one girl from his class that was there, so they would stick by each other the whole time.  Her name is Elliot, and they were so cute together.  They had so much fun learning about the plants and animals that you would find in that area such as Cactus, Goats, and Tortoise.  Then at the end of the hike, we had lunch.  It was a fun time, and a beautiful day for a hike.  Clark was very good, and had fun until the very end when we were leaving to go home.  We were walking on the sidewalk to go to our car, and I turned around to help Logan with something.  I needed both hands to help Logan, so I let go of the stroller.  I forgot to put the breaks on, and pour Clark rolled off the sidewalk, and got a big bump and scratch on his  forehead.  I felt like such a bad mom, and I felt so bad for Clark.  I put some Neosporin on it, and I worried about him all day but he looks like he is going to be just fine.

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