We had Galactic Pizzas, Fruit Light Sabers, and Yoda Soda (Sprite with Lime Sherbet). And of Course, Don't Forget the R2-D2 Cake!
Sharp Shooting!
The Obstacle Course
Then we had the kids make their own Pizzas. I pre-cooked the dough to make them into the Star Wars Ships (Darth Vader's Tie Fighter, Luke Skywalker's X-Wing Fighter, and the Millenium Falcon. The kids were able to put their own toppings on. While the pizzas were cooking, the kids decorated their Light Sabers, and then we played some more games.
Jedi Training-- They paired off by twos and they hit the balloons to each other and they had to keep the balloons from touching the ground.

Save the Princess--I put a picture of Princess Leia in one balloon, and they had to pop all the balloons to find the Princess.
Cake Time--Logan had some help blowing out the candles! Logan loved his R2-D2 Cake!
I told the kids to show me their Jedi Moves!
James L. Cooper Aubrey
Ben Charlie Clark
Present Time!
Logan said this was the best Birthday Party Ever! I'm glad he liked it!
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