Saturday, April 9, 2011

Long Day!

This Saturday was one of the coldest that we have had in a long time.  Logan had a Birthday Party from 12-2, Brady had a soccer game at 12:30, and Clark woke up with a fever.  I wasn't sure how we were going to work this.  We ended up calling Nani to take Brady to his soccer game because she wanted to see him play anyway.  I took Logan to the party at Chuck E. Cheese, and Vance stayed home with Clark.  I was supposed to leave the party at 1:30 to take Logan to his T-Ball game, but they cancelled it due to the weather.  It hailed during Brady's soccer game, but they toughed it out and finished the game.  Nani said it was freezing.  It was a good thing that we didn't try to take Clark out in it.  Anyway, Vance was going to take Brady and Logan to the ward party, but they ended up cancelling that too!  Logan was too tired from the party to make it up to his bed!  The stair looked like a good spot!  He fell asleep around 5:00pm.  Not always the best time, but what do you do!

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