Monday, April 25, 2011
Brady was so glad to be back in school, and he was excited to get this Aggie Roberts Schhol T-Shirt! He really has school spirit!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Happy Easter!
Easter Morning
The boys were so excited to find their Easter Baskets! Clark especially loved the chocolate!
These are the boys new Easter outfits for church! Whitney (Vance's sister), Chip, Abby, Quinn, and Madeline (the new baby) came to our ward today! Brady participated in the Easter Program in sacrament meeting. He had two speaking parts, and the primary sang some songs. He did great! Logan fell asleep, so his cousin, Abby, took his place to sing the songs. She wanted to go up with Brady! It was fun to feel the spirit, and talk about why we really celebrate Easter.
After church, we went over to Nani and Grandpa Skidmore's house for Ham and potatoes dinner.
We had an Easter Egg Hunt, decorated cupcakes, and just had fun being together with family!
These are the other easter outfits that the boys got! It is so hard to get good pictures of three little boys! You have to be quick! This is one of my favorite pictures of them! Miracles do happen!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Spring Break
Logan got this sidewalk chalk with Woody, Buzz, and Bullseye templates, and 3D Glasses for his birthday. This was the perfect day to play outside!
Brady was enjoying the week off of school! As he was drawing with the chalk, he noticed a Rollie Pollie Bug. He was very interested in picking it up, and seeing where it would go! Boys--they love the life of bugs and dirt!
Look at the nice artwork! They had a lot of fun!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Today Stacey and Kiley came to Brady's Soccer game and Logan's T-Ball game. At Logan's T-Ball game, the other team didn't show up, so Logan's team just practiced. It was also a warm day, and we're not in the remembering sunscreen mode yet, so we got our first sunburns this year. Just a week a go it was cold and now it's hot. We just can't win, but I do like the warm weather anyway! After the games, Brady wanted Stacey to come to our house so that they could play Super Mario Brothers on the Wii (Brady's favorite game these days). The Boys love to hang out with their Aunt Stacey.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Long Day!
This Saturday was one of the coldest that we have had in a long time. Logan had a Birthday Party from 12-2, Brady had a soccer game at 12:30, and Clark woke up with a fever. I wasn't sure how we were going to work this. We ended up calling Nani to take Brady to his soccer game because she wanted to see him play anyway. I took Logan to the party at Chuck E. Cheese, and Vance stayed home with Clark. I was supposed to leave the party at 1:30 to take Logan to his T-Ball game, but they cancelled it due to the weather. It hailed during Brady's soccer game, but they toughed it out and finished the game. Nani said it was freezing. It was a good thing that we didn't try to take Clark out in it. Anyway, Vance was going to take Brady and Logan to the ward party, but they ended up cancelling that too! Logan was too tired from the party to make it up to his bed! The stair looked like a good spot! He fell asleep around 5:00pm. Not always the best time, but what do you do!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Trader Joe's
Logan's Pre-School had a field trip today at Trader Joe's. They toured the store, and learned all about what Markets are and how they work. At the end of the tour, they got these bags with a coloring page and all kinds of treats in them. Logan loves these field trips!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Our Saturdays are filled with Brady's soccer games and Logan's T-Ball games. Logan is having so much playing T-Ball, and it is funny to watch 3-4 year olds play. There seems to be more parents on the field directing the little ones where to go. After the game, the kids still had energy to play at the park. Saturdays are fun!
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