AUGUST 28, 2008

We left on August 27th after Vance was finished with work, which was around 5pm pacific time. We decided to break the trip up, so we made it as far as Green River, UT and spent the night there. The kids did great and slept most of the way. The next morning, we had breakfast at Burger King. Then we were off to Angie's house. About an hour into our trip, Brady got car sick. From then on we made many stops so Brady could go to the bathroom and stretch his legs. We were trying to be careful because of his prior incident, but he got car sick again. I thought we were never going to make it to Angie's, but we finally made it. We were the last family to arrive at Angie's at about 4:00pm central time. Brady was so excited to see his cousins that you would never have known he was car sick. We visited with family for a little bit and then we were off to Highlands Ranch Library. They had wading pools and a play ground. The kids loved it! Brady especially liked playing in the wading pools. Logan liked going down the slide (the water was a little cold for him). Then we came back and had dinner prepared by the Williams. Then we had a devotional and prayer by Brett. Each night two families were assigned dinner, and one of the dads were assigned the devotional. It was a great time to bring us closer together as a family. After the kids were in bed, we watched Brett and Kris's wedding video. It was a fun time to connect.
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