Today was a busy day! Clark woke up screaming a couple times last night complaining that his ear hurt, so I took him to the doctor's this morning. It turns out that he has an ear infection. Then we went to Logan's basketball game.
Logan likes basketball, but he is in his own world sometimes. He won't touch or get near the ball unless he gets to dribble the ball. He loves to dribble the ball, and he is getting better at it. Other than dribbling, he pretty much stays away from the ball. He is pretty funny to watch.

After Logan's game, we picked up Clark's prescription, and then we went home to have lunch. Then we went to Brady's Pinewood Derby. We had to be there at 2:00pm so that we could weigh his car and get it registered. He named his car "Mario". Despite the look on his face, he was very excited for the race! His car raced in four heats. In order of the heats, he got third place, second place, third place, and first place. I don't remember his times, but they averaged his times together. They took the first place winner from each ward to race in the finals. There was only two entries from our ward, and Brady did not make the finals. I think he was about one second behind the other car. It was very close, but he had fun anyway in his first Pinewood Derby. He got a certificate, ribbon, and a rice crispy treat car. The Pinewood Derby, was from 2-4, so we missed his 3:00 Basketball Game.
After the Pinewood Derby, we went home to clean the house and have dinner before it was time to go to Vance's work party. I asked a young women in our ward to babysit. I usually ask family members to babysit, but I decided to get someone else because the boys have been wanting me to get a young babysitter for them. They had so much fun! For Vance's work party, they had a Bowling Competition. It was at The Red Rock Casino in their VIP Bowling Area. It was so much fun! Vance scored a 116 and I scored a 104. At least we broke 100! They also had snacks, drinks, and a raffle. We didn't win anything, but we had a good time. We got home around 10pm, and the boys were all sound a sleep.