Brady has had a lot of big things happen to him in the last couple of weeks!
Lost his First Tooth
He was so excited that he woke me up at 6am, "Mom, I have a loose tooth!" Then two seconds later he said, "Mom, I pulled it out!" He wrote a note to the tooth fairy saying that he wanted to keep his first tooth, and put the note and tooth under his pillow. The tooth fairy let him keep his first tooth per his request. He now has two bottom teeth missing!
Reading Glasses
Brady was complaining about not being able to see whenever we sit down to read, so we took him to the eye doctor. She said that his eyes are having a hard time focusing on the words. So every time he reads, he has to wear his glasses! He thinks he is so big now with his glasses!
First Day of First Grade
Brady and his friend, Gavin are in the same class again this year!
.Brady thinks he is such a big kid being in first grade. He came home saying that he wasn't tired, and that he loves his teacher! He had a great day! He made this book about his first day. This is what he put in his book: he drew a picture of himself on the first day
he rode in a car
he drew what he brought in his backpack (Star Wars folders and lunch box)
favorite colors are red, orange, and green
his teacher is Miss Todd.