Thursday, November 27, 2008
We went to Nani and Grandpa Skidmore's house in Redlands, California for Thanksgiving, and we spent the weekend with them. We were able to spend time with Nani, Grandpa, Stacey, Kiley, Whitney, Chip, Abby, Burke, and Germania. It was one of the last times we were all together in the California house. We took the kids to the park, fed the ducks, and played Rock Band. We all had a fun time. There are so many things to be thankful for, and this was a time to think of those specific things. I am thankful for this time to spend with family. Brady is thankful for carrots, and Logan is thankful for mom.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Every Sunday is interesting because I never know what Brady and Logan are going to say or do during sacrament meeting. Snacks are a must in our family to keep the kids quiet, but sometimes they can get a bit out of hand. On Sunday, November 9th, Logan wanted a fruit snack, but we just ran out so I gave him an animal cracker. He obviously did not want that because the next thing I knew, he threw the animal cracker and it hit the guy sitting behind us in the chest. Poor guy! I have thought about not bringing snacks, but the kids get restless. I bring other things for the kids to do such as looking at books or coloring, but it doesn't seem to keep them entertained long enough. Sometimes I feel like I never get to hear the announcements or talks because the kids always need something! Logan is not the only one to act up during sacrament meeting. Brady has some stories of his own! A couple of months ago, Brady was being a little noisy during the sacrament. I leaned over and wispered to him that during the sacrament is a time that we think about Jesus. Brady yelled really loud, "I don't want to think about Jesus!" Then a few weeks ago, I took his snacks away from him because it was during the sacrament. I was trying to teach him that we dont't need snacks during the sacrament because he was being loud and it was distracting. He then yelled out before we could take him out, "I just want to go potty!" Everybody turned to look at us so it seemed, and I was so embarrassed. I just don't know how parents get their kids to be so good, but I just keep trying to work with them! I keep telling myself to never give up, and they will eventually get it! Hopefully sooner than later!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
It was a challenge to get three kids in their costumes, but we survived. Brady has been looking forward to Halloween all month, so I was glad it was finally here! We went to our ward party! They served dinner first, then they had some games (pumpkin race, bowling, and the cake walk), and then they ended with the Trunk- of-Treat! Burke and Germania met us at the end of the party to see the boys in their costumes. When we got home, we went to our neighbors house because she wanted to see the boys in their costumes. Then Stacey and Kiley came over to see the boys. The boys were popular that night! We all had a great time!
Brady was going to be Superman, but the costume I had was a little big. Maybe next year he can be superman! He likes both superman and spiderman, and Vance's mom found him this Spiderman costume. The costume came with a mask, but we couldn't wear masks to the ward party so we decided to paint his face like spiderman. He had so much fun at the ward party, and of course his favorite part was the Trunk-or-Treat!
Joan David was with us for Halloween, and she was Cinderella! She won a cake at the cake walk, and she had a lot of fun!
Logan was the cutest Santa Clause! His tummy was perfect for the costume! We taught him to pat his tummy and say, "HO, HO, HO!" He did great all week, but on Halloween he didn't want to say it! He had fun running around the grass area!
Carving the Pumpkin
The day before Halloween our neighbors(Pam, Joey, and Cole Gassen) came over to carve our pumpkins. Stacey had given us carving kits with a power carver, stencils, and all! Brady picked out the stencil he wanted to carve in the pumpkin. Our pumpkin was called "Wacko Jacko"! Brady also helped us separate the seeds so that we could roast them! They were yummy! Logan also got a little involved, by helping clean out the insides! He thought that was fun to get dirty! We all had a fun time, and now we were ready for Halloween!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Brady's First Primary Program
On October 19, 2008, Brady participated in his first Primary Program. During the practice, I was a little worried about him going up to say his part because he was crying in the beginning. I talked to him about how he needed to sit with his class, and after that he stopped crying and did fine. During the program, he sat with his class, sang the songs, and said his part nice and loud. He spoke right into the microphone and said, "I will follow the prophet." He did a great job, and I am proud of him!
Halloween Town
It was Saturday, and we were on our way to McKee Ranch Pumpkin Patch to pick out our pumpkin to carve this year. When we got there, they told us that they were closed today. I had Joan David (a girl I watch) with us, and we went with our neighbors (Pam, Joey, and Cole Gassen). We were disappointed when we found out that they were closed, so we decided to go to this Halloween Town Carnival that we saw on our way to the pumpkin patch. They had car rides, banana boat rides, and blow up jumping houses with slides that the kids just loved. Brady could jump all day long in one of those houses if we let him. He loves it, and Logan had fun too! They also got to see pumpkins, but we actually ended up getting our pumpkin at the grocery store. It ended up being a fun time even though we didn't go to the pumpkin patch.
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